Recorded Events
Radical Imaginations: Poetry as a Tool for Change with Tongo Eisen-Martin and Mark Nowak
Defacing the Monument Book Launch
Susan Briante, Cristina Rivera Garza, Anthony Cody and Joanna Williams in celebration of Defacing the Monument and in support of Kino Border Initiative.
Interview for Its Lit from NotSoIvoryTower on Instagram
Reading for PoetryIsBread on Instagram
Daily Social Experiment #32 at The Brooklyn Rail
Poet, artist, and curator Norma Cole (Instagram: @normaco) and poets from her April Critics Page join us for a poetry feast in Daily Social Environment #32, hosted by our own Rail staff member, Madeleine Cravens (Instagram: @stable__genius). The event will include readings from Dale Martin Smith, Susan Briante, Will Alexander, Laura Moriarty, Farid Matuk, Susan Gevirtz, Steve Seidenberg, Erín Moure, and Aaron Shurin.
The 48th Annual New Year's Day Marathon
This excerpt includes readings by: Alicia Mountain; Jeremy Hoevenaar; Anna Gurton-Wachter; Emmalea Russo; Barbara Henning; Sharon Mesmer; Farid Matuk; Chavisa Woods; Ian Dreiblatt; Aristilde Kirby; Sara Larsen; Wendy Lotterman; and Susan Briante
With An Duplan for Action Books
In three parts: [one] [two] [three]